Leading Industry Top Executives’ join NASF SALMON SEMINAR in Bergen on March 8th 2017.

NASF_728x90 Chaired by the well-known salmon market analyst Henning Lund of Pareto, 9 executives from 2 continents will discuss the outlook for this huge global salmon sector. This important NASF industry salmon seminar gives you the opportunity to hear from some of the world’s top salmon operators and policy makers evaluate the outlook for their businesses – and what they think about the supply growth opportunities in the years ahead.

Now all the salmon farming regions are enjoying high prices and strong cash flows.  Negative cost development continue to be a problem and it is more questions regarding what the sustainable production capacity is. During the Global Salmon Summit, you will get exclusive insight from what the top managers are seeing as opportunities and restrictions for further growth.

NASF will have two panel discussions with the most experienced and competent players in the industry –  from Norway and from Chile.  In addition Kontali will bring its latest estimates for supply and market outlook, while Pareto Securities will show their thoughts on how the salmon shares listed on OSE will develop.

Where: Radisson Blu Roay Hotel, Bergen, Norway
When:  8th of March, 14:00-18:00


Welcome remarks, Henning Lund, analyst Pareto Securities, Norway

Global Salmon outlook, Ragnar Nystøl, CEO Kontali, Norway

How we increase seafood demand?, Henning Beltestad, CEO Lerøy Seafood Group, Norway

Panel Debate I – Norway:
Is it regulatory or sustainability limitations that potentially will make it hard to increase farming production in Norway

Roy Angelvik, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Fisheries, Norway
Alf Helge Aarskog, CEO Marine Harvest Group, Norway
Per Grieg, Chairman Grieg Seafood, Norway

Driving innovation through supply chain partnerships: new sources of omega 3, Apu Mody, CEO TerraVia, USA

What will happen in 2017 and intro to panel debate, Henning Lund, analyst Pareto Securities, Norway

Panel debate II – Chile:
What will make Chilean salmonid farming sustainable and competitive again?

Jose Ramon Gutierrez, Executive President Multiexport Foods, Chile
Geir Molvik, CEO Cermaq, Norway/Chile
Alf Helge Aarskog, CEO Marine Harvest Group, Norway/Chile
Yngve Myhre, Chairman Novo Austral, Norway/Chile