Bilde crop Solveig has the last year been engaged in The Seafood Innovation Cluster working with cluster events and strategic projects.
– Solveig has been closely involved in the strategy process, says Einar Wathne, Chairman of the Board. – She knows the team and the organization well and is very capable of managing the organization in the interim-period.
– I´m excited to continue the work together with the rest of our dedicated team, says Solveig.
Solveig has experience with management, business development and internationalization from positions in NOR PR, Media Region Bergen, Bergen Næringsråd, Connect Vest and the Municipality of Bergen. In addition, she has experience from several Board of Directors in private and public sector. Solveig is educated Cand.polit. in Social Anthropology from the University of Bergen, including the subjects Mass culture and folk culture, History and Indonesian language.