Executive Forum 1 Several speakers from academia and suppliers in the seafood industry were invited to share their activities and visions for future opportunities within sustainability and digitalization.
Edgar Brun, Director Department Fish Health and Welfare at Norwegian Veterinary Institute, pointed out that digitalization can help increase the understanding of the interaction between host, agent and environment/management for fish health/disease, but there is a need for digitalization of health-related parameters. Helge Sagen, Director of The Norwegian Marine Data Centre at Institute of Marine Research, was revealing the “secret” marine database at IMR and encouraged a better use of it following FAIR principles: Make your data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
Jørn Torsvik, Chief Digital Officer at ScaleAQ, shared his competence around digital opportunities and shift in supplier mindset which was exemplified with FeedStation 2.0 as the first and only feeding solution with supported API for data sharing and process control. Jørn Ulheim, CEO at Patogen, was introducing one of the first digital biological models in farming in operation and demonstrating opportunities in lice module showing that better planning gives farmers opportunities to act ahead.
Einar Wathne, Chairman of the board, The Seafood Innovation Cluster, gave an update on the reinforcement initiative in AuqaCloud 1.0. The steering group has decided to revitalize AquaCloud 1.0 as an innovation database and Salmar and Cermaq have signed up as partners in the project. There have been requested access rules, and there will be launched an intensive innovation plan based on existing data in AquaCloud 1.0.
Mowi and DNB was invited to share activities and reflections on increased sustainability. Catarina Martins, Chief Sustainability Officer at Mowi, was presenting their work for increased sustainability and key element in their new sustainability strategy that will be launched in December. Dag Sletmo, Senior Vice President at DNB, gave valuable reflections on current trends in feed, ingredients, innovation and sustainability after recent IFFO meeting, pointing out that the increased focus on sustainability means new opportunities for fish meal and fish oil suppliers, but also suppliers of alternative protein sources.
EY is new partner in The Seafood Innovation Cluster, and Maria B. Helsengreen, Partner at EY Advisory, gave a short presentation of the company and revealed some key results from their new report on aquaculture to be presented December 10th.
Executive Forum