logosalat ShrimpVision AS is a startup company that will produce tropical shrimp in Norway, utilizing excess heat from the metallurgy industry and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Check them out here www.shrimpvision.no.
Innomar AS makes fishing sustainable by developing highly efficient fishing traps which can be equipped with sensors for catch monitoring and traceability. Their effective fish traps catch fish in a sustainable manner that is gentle to the seabed. The company works with a team of world class researchers, and develops new tools based on scientific data observation. Their clients are fishermen, fish farmers and distributors. The company has received international interest for its technologies and products. Check them out here www.innomar.no.
Evoy AS develops and sells turnkey full-electric propulsion systems for fast boats. Users will enjoy voyages without noise, smell, pollution and breakdowns. The significantly lower maintenance and usage cost will give owners peace of mind to use their boats like they should – every day. Read more here https://evoy.no/.
Exciting times are ahead, and the cluster look forward to help them on their journey. If you represent an ambitious startup, and want to get connected to our cluster. Contact us and learn how we can innovate together for a more sustainable seafood industry.