Innovating the industry through cooperation
In a recent report released by European Marine Board on big data in marine science, the Seafood Innovation project, AquaCloud is profiled as a case on how industry cooperation and common vision can innovate. The project is highlighted as on of two cases showing innovation and cooperation in the seafood industry.
The report states “Big data can be used to mitigate these (… environmental impact) concerns and in the near future advanced data systems, sensors, and camera-based technology will be used to manage the entire aquaculture value chain from hatchery to consumer.”
In the report one highlights how the AquaCloud project has provided innovative solutions to “A key challenge that needs to be overcome to enable more big data applications in aquaculture is sharing business-critical data among commercial competitors”.
The AquaCloud project, now in its fourth year, has branched into two major workflows called 1.0 and 2.0 indicating the clear branching and different focus.
AquaCloud 1.0 continues to explore how we can extract insights from existing data, realizing the challenges presented by difference in methods and equipment.
AquaCloud 2.0 addresses the need to standardize data harvesting and how data is presented to new and existing BI systems and platforms. One focuses on environmental data, fish welfare and health data and generating a vendor neutral platform to allow multiple suppliers to deliver data in a uniform way. The importance of this is specially outlined in the report as pointed out in the recommendations for scaling up big data to sustainable management tools.
More information on AquaCloud at