Karianne Kojen Andersen has started in the position as EU Advisor for NCE Seafood Innovation to help reinforce the cluster’s EU strategy. She will among other things assist members and partners with free advice about EU funding.

Karianne Kojen Andersen, EU Advisor for NCE Seafood Innovation and GCE Ocean Technology.

The position is a central part of the cluster’s EU strategy, adopted by the board in April 2020. In line with the ambitions in the EU strategy, Karianne will work to:

  • Provide advice for the cluster members about possibilities for cooperation and funding through international projects, in line with the cluster’s long-term innovation priorities
  • Increase the international competence and awareness about relevant challenges in the aquaculture sector
  • Attract EU funding for relevant innovation projects in the seafood industry, in line with the cluster’s main focus areas.


In addition to provide information about relevant possibilities for EU funding, Karianne can also be of assistance to cluster members already participating in EU projects. An important part of the position is also to work strategically to influence calls and work programmes in Horizon Europe.

Karianne holds a Masters degree in European relations from NTNU and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and has broad experience from working with EU funding and EU policy both in Brussels and Norway.

If you are a partner or member of the cluster and are wondering about EU issues, don’t hesitate to contact Karianne to discuss the matter with her.

Karianne will divide her time between NCE Seafood Innovation and GCE Ocean Technology.