KABIS aims to further develop research and higher education oriented towards aquaculture in Western Norway, in a way that supports the innovation and restructuring work that is ongoing to promote the use of environmentally-friendly fish farming systems.
Since the beginning of May 2018, the KABIS project has carried out several activities and reached important milestones. Many of these activities will continue after the project is completed and will serve as a positive boost for the future, and below you find milestones from the area of competency and knowledge development. Read the full mid-term report here.
Upgrading the existing and establishing new study offers
The project has contributed to a significant strengthening of the capacity in research, education, and advising at HVL and UiB. This capacity has been used to upgrade 8 different courses. In these courses, external lecturers from the aquaculture industry are involved in teaching.
New aquaculture course
As part of the master’s engineering program (siv. Ing.), UiB has decided to establish another new course “Practice in aquaculture”, which will contribute to increased mobility between academia and industry. In this course, students will practice in aquaculture companies over a 4-6 week period.
Development of RAS laboratory
KABIS has contributed to the development of the RAS laboratory at Marineholmen and a new continuing education course (EVU) in intensive RAS technology. The course will be taught to employees in the aquaculture industry and will be conducted for the first time in December 2020.
Aquaculture internships for exchange students
In 2019, HVL has further developed INN520 for exchange students. This ensures internships in aquaculture companies in the region for foreign exchange students over a ten week period. They will be in practice together with innovation students from HVL.
New course for water quality in RAS
At HVL, a separate subject has been established for bachelor students in chemistry and marine technology, which deals with water quality in RAS. The course started this autumn and will have elements of excursions and external lecturers from the industry.
New PhD program
A new PhD program in Responsible Innovation and Regional Development has been established at HVL (accredited by NOKUT in 2019). The program has admitted its first PhD students, and in the spring of 2020, the first PhD course on “Innovation and Sustainability Transition” was completed. This PhD program represents a significant strengthening of existing study programs at HVL.
Read the full mid-term report here.