The Coller FAIRR index of the world’s most sustainable protein producers has ranked Norwegian aquaculture companies as most sustainable protein production. Three out of seven companies ranked as “low risk” for various parameters linked to sustainability, are Norwegian aquaculture companies.

Both Grieg Seafood and Lerøy Seafood are, for the fourth time, amongst the three most sustainable protein production companies within aquaculture, in the world.

The Coller FAIRR index is an annual assessment of global protein producers on how they perform according to parameters such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and biodiversity, water use and scarcity, waste and pollution, antibiotics, animal welfare, working conditions, food safety, governance and sustainable proteins.

Although Norwegian aquaculture companies perform well across the board, they are particularly commended in the areas of antibiotics use and working conditions.

“During the next decades, the global food system must be transformed. We know that responsible aquaculture and blue foods has the potential to be a part of the solution. In Grieg Seafood, we work hard to reduce our impact and improve fish welfare. I am pleased that the efforts of my fantastic colleagues across the company has given us a top placement in the FAIRR Index this year. Going forward, we will continue on our journey of improvement, utilizing innovation, new technologies and new knowledge.” – Andreas Kvame, CEO of Grieg Seafood ASA

“We work continuously and targeted towards improving sustainability across our value chain. It is good to see our efforts in this area being noticed and that Lerøy as a company and the industry once again ranks among the best in this type of index.” – Henning Beltestad, CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group

We are proud to be working together with leading companies within sustainability, fish health, work environment and innovation.
