Yesterday we launched the Risk Report for Norwegian Fish farming 2022, together with the Institute of Marine Research.
More than 350 participants watched as the digital launch kicked off, starting off with a short introduction by Nina Stangeland, Managing Director at NCE Seafood Innovation and Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, CEO at the Institute of Marine Research, before we deep dived into the report and it’s findings.
The report addressed three main challenges facing the fish farming industry today; 1. Negative effects on wild salmon as a result of escaped farmed salmon and emissions of salmon lice from cages, 2. How emissions from fish farms impact the environment, as well as concerns regarding copper and pharmaceuticals, and 3. Fish welfare in cages, with emphasis on lice treatments and cleanerfish.
In addition to the previously mentioned matters, the report also addressed effects on coastal cod stocks in cod farming in open cages and negative effects on wild sea trout and sea trout as a result of emissions of salmon lice from fish farming.
The report was presented by Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, Pål Arne Bjørn, Scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, and Ørjan Karlsen, Scientist at the Institute of Marine Research.
Industry experts agrees that early communication is necessary to achieve sustainability
Following the presentation of the report, we invited industry experts to join us for å panel discussion where they gave their insight and comments regarding the newly released report and it’s findings.
The panel put emphasis on the fact that testing and implementing new and innovative technology is extremely important in the process of continuing the work towards sustainability and lowering the environmental impact in fish farming, but also when working towards bettering fish health and welfare.
The industry expert panel consisted of Kristian Botnen, CEO at Lingalaks, Kristian Botnen, Ragna Heggebø, Global R&D Manager at Grieg Seafood, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Professional Director at Havforskningsinstituttet and Leni Marie Lisæter, Section Manager at Kyst og Havbruk, Fiskeridirektoratet.
Nina Stangeland, Managing Director at NCE Seafood Innovation moderated the event.