Designed for the industry
It is a two-year, part-time programme aimed at increasing the participants competence so that they will be better equipped to manage the seafood industry’s needs. New and relevant knowledge and skills will be useful when leading the industry into a more sustainable future.
– The specialisation is very aligned with my work in the seafood industry, and I am very happy with the experience, says former student Mattias Gunnarsson, Managing Director at Lerøy Seafood.
Key areas such as economics, strategy, management, marketing, finance, and accounting, are some of the areas the participants will get in-depth knowledge about. The program is suited for senior and middle managers with at least 10 years of work experience either in the seafood industry or related industries. It is also a possibility for applicants who wants to work in the industry.
Over six modules, including sessions at campus and abroad, digital and hybrid meetings and technological learning elements, the course will provide relevant knowledge to help the participants steer the ship towards a better industry. If it sounds interesting, check this site for more information. Applicants can be accepted on a rolling basis until November 15th, 2022.

Discount price for our members
NCE Seafood Innovations members and partners gets a cluster-price of NOK 380,000 per participant for contracts concluded before October 1st, 2022. The tuition fee for non-members is NOK 445 000.
NHH Norwegian School of Economics is one of the leading business schools in Europe. An Executive MBA, or the EMBA, is a two-year, part-time, experience-based programme at NHH.