Innovation Workshop 3:3 Fish Health and Fish Welfare

At a glance
NCE Seafood Innovation aims to contribute to sustainable seafood growth by focusing on innovation. Facilitating interaction across the industry is part of our work to increase innovation, and we are now inviting all our cluster members to 3 workshops in our new program “Innovation workshops”.
- November 13, 13:00-15:30 Innovation workshop 1:3 Digitalization
- November 18, 13:00-15:30 Innovation workshop 2:3 Reducing carbon footprint
- November 26, 13:00-15:30 Innovation workshop 3:3 Fish health and fish welfare
Innovation Workshop 3:3 Fish Health and Fish Welfare
Loss of fish in aquaculture is a major problem, both financially but also for animal welfare. In order to achieve sustainable growth, the seafood industry must address the challenges to reduce the problem. This is not a single company problem, but an industrial problem that the industry must take responsibility for and solve together.
NCE Seafood Innovation will continue the work of making fish health reporting as standardized as possible. This is done through project collaboration between industry and R&D agents with relevant knowledge.
This workshop aims to highlight challenges and needs in the industry and reveal opportunities for new projects and collaborations for increased innovation. Join in and join us on the road to better fish welfare.
Time: November 26, 13:00-15:30
Venue: Online
Registered attendees will receive a link for participation the day before the event.
Due to the current Covid-19 situation, these innovation workshops are held online.