At a glance
Big_data_facebook_Juni20163 The first Zero lice – time for global Action, at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum, was a success. Together, with our Board and partners, we have worked on a plan of action how to best utilize the input from the workshop and Expert Committee, to find new collaborative solutions to combat Sea Lice and increase productivity.
The amount of digital data in the aquaculture sector has been exploding, and using this data can create significant value. Hopefully, this can become an effective tool for innovation to make better risk management decision tool in the entire value chain.
The Seafood Innovation Cluster will launch a Big data initiative –that we foresee can become an important digital tool, underpinning new waves of risk management tools to combat Sea Lice, improve fish health and boost productivity.
The purpose of the meeting on the 31st of August:
Build consensus on tentative vision and goals, determine
Planning and preparation of the workshop
Constitute a working group (WG) and project manager (PM) for roadmap development with priorities for further action.
When: 31st of August 2016
Time: 11.00 – 13.00 (lunch)
Where: Institute of Marine Research/Havforskningsinstituttet, Nordnes
The meeting is open for NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster partners.
Please RSVP of August to