

Som en del av vårt talentutviklingsprogram ønsker vi å etablere et lederutviklingsprogram for ledere under 40 år, hvor bare de aller beste kandidatene velges ut. Kandidatene må ha en attraktiv CV med ekstraordinære prestasjoner og betydelig ledelseserfaring. På NASF hadde vi en kick-off med Young Leadership Summit hvor 120 mennesker deltok. Målet med Young Leadership Summit er å bygge ferdigheter for en bedre forståelse av fremtidens sjømatnæring, samt å etablere et globalt nettverk for ungt sjømatpersonell.

NASF Young Leadership – Shaping the global seafood future

NASF Young Leadership is organized by North Atlantic Seafood Forum and Norwegian Centres of Expertise The Seafood Innovation Cluster. It is a new world initiative to establish a community of exceptional young individuals who share a commitment to shape the global seafood future. Empowering young leadership is essential to create innovative responses to address global and regional challenges to shape the future of global seafood business.

NASF Young Leadership Summit 2016 – Transitions for sustainable seafood Growth

The aim of the Young Leadership Summit is to build skills and knowledge for a better understanding of the future seafood agenda. Young Leaderships aim is to include leaders from politics, business, academia, across geographic regions. Participants must be exceptional leaders under the age of 40 and a proven track record of substantial leadership experience. The Summit will initiate a new young leadership community- towards achieving a sustainable seafood future, and establish a global network for young Seafood Professionals.




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