Dear Partners and Members in NCE Seafood Innovation. A new and challenging situation is affecting all our partners and members in different ways.
From challenging operational conditions, uncertainty, cash flow and economic constrains, and organizations that are adopting to home office – companies are all feeling the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. We all hope that the time of the virus outbreak and impact on the business in (and outside) the Seafood industry, will be as short and limited as possible.In the cluster we will continue working on established cluster project as planned, but from home. Scheduled events and activities are postponed, until further noticed.We are currently in dialog with cluster partners, government and public institutions, in addition to “virkemiddelapperatet” on how we can contribute with value for our partners and members in this situation. At this point of time we have conclude that we will:

  • on a weekly basis supply you with a “Update Corona newsletter” on relevant information from different sources* that can be of value for our partners and members.
  • we are in dialog with the Norwegian “virkemiddelapperat”, where we can contribute with inputs on how they can reduce the impact and negative effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on Norwegian business. If you have inputs on this please specify and send to us on:

*i.e government/public institutions, “ virkemiddelapperatet”, financial and advisory companies

If you have any other suggestions on how the cluster can contribute with value in this period, please let us know at:


EY has summarized:

  • The latest changes to the tax regulations as of March 19th here.
  • Five key priorities on “How companies can reshape results and plan for a COVID-19 recovery” here.

DNB Bank has opened a direct information centre for businesses that have questions regarding the economic effects on their business in the Corona crises here.
Direct phone: 23021266
(If you are a customer in another bank, they may also have opened a information centre for business regarding Corona)

Innovation Norway has announced that companies that are affected from the COVID-19 situation and are financed by Innovasjon Norge can apply for waiver on instalment. For more information read here.

Deloitte have gathered concrete information on different topics that affects your business in relation to corona like, legal, labor and permitting law here.

Regjeringen are continuously updating Norway with the latest information regarding the Corona situation here.

Folkehelseinstituttet gives the latest update on the situation from the Health aspect here.

NHO follows the situation closely with advices and updates for businesses here.


We have been in dialog with the different Health Clusters the last days. We all know that he health sector are doing their best to prevent the effects of the COVID-19, but there is shortage of infection control equipment. If any of our partners and members have infection control equipment that they can contribute with, Kjetil Istad, CEO in Sykehusinnkjøp and his team are very interested to hear from you. Please send them an email on:


We are working on gathering concrete information on how the government “packages” can support our members and partners. We wish you all the best in this special time.


NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster