Join us

Make an impact

Do you want to contribute to innovative and sustainable solutions and enable the growth of the industry?

We welcome new members to apply for a membership. We aim for the cluster to be beneficial and useful to the participants. We require that any prospective partner is highly committed to take active part in the cluster’s work.

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

What you get

113 members in 2023
106 events in 2023
33 services & projects

Conditions for membership



Companies that are seen as particularly important to the development of the cluster and educational and government institutions can be accepted as partners.

Annual fee:
NOK 385 000

R&D Partner


Organizations and educational institutions developing competency or conducting R&D can apply for membership as R&D Partner.

Annual fee:
NOK 55 000



All organizations established in Norway that deliver products or services in or to the seafood industry, or intend to do so, can become members.

Annual fee:
NOK 128 500



All startup businesses, up to ten years old, with more than 10 employees can apply for membership.

Annual fee:
NOK 25 000


Risk capital


Investors/venture companies who actively seek to invest in early-stage seafood companies can apply for membership.

Annual fee:
NOK 38 000



All startup businesses, up to five years old, with a negative financial result can apply for membership as a startup.

Annual fee:
NOK 9 800

"I cannot emphasize enought how much faster we reach our goal by being part of the NCE Seafood Innovation. "
Arnt-Gunther Dietel
Marine Technology Innovation AS

Application process

To become a member, we ask you to send a short motivation letter. The cluster will process the request and complete the registration of your membership. Membership is based on accepting the terms in The Seafood Innovation Cluster membership agreement.

Step 1:

Download and fill out the application form.

Application for membership in The Seafood Innovation Cluster


Step 2:
Startups, send the application to
All others, send the application to

Step 3:
We will get in touch with you shortly


Contact us:

Cluster contact: Solveig Holm
Senior Project Manager, NCE Seafood Innovation

Startup contact: Inge Bø
Finance and Administration Manager, NCE Seafood Innovation
