
Executive Seafood Forum

At a glance

In this forum the executive leaders of the partners of the NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster meet for inspiration, industry updates, knowledge sharing and discuss strategic topics important for the Clusters future work.

By invitation only for partners in the Cluster.

In the coming Executive Seafood Forum we are setting Digitalization in Aquaculture Industry  on the agenda. We have invited some guest speakers to talk about their perspective, initiatives and focus when we address digitalisation in the aquaculture industry. The forum will share knowledge, facilitate interaction and discussions around this topic during the meeting. The question we will discuss is: How should we work across actors to release the potential and value of data in the seafood industry? 

Together with our Partners inputs about the topic and our guests* perspective we believe that this forum will be a important input to NCE Seafood Innovation and Aquacloud future work towards digitalization in the industry.  

We really look forward to addressing the subject with you all. Lunch will be served during the Forum. 

Agenda for the meeting:

  • Welcome, NCE Seafood Innovation, Nina Stangeland,  
  • Mattilsynet, Ingunn Midttun Godal, Managing Director 
  • Sjømat Norge/OPS Sjømat; Jon Arne Grøttum, Direktør Havbruk 
  • Akva Group; Asle Kjetil Bratteli, CDO 
  • TBA, Industry 
  • Aquacloud; Kristian Blom, General Manager 
  • Forum Discussion, Einar Wathne, Chairman of the board, NCE Seafood Innovation 


The invitation is personal. * In addition to Executive Seafood Forum participants, Partner representatives in the focus group on Digitalization are invited to this meeting. 

For practical questions please contact to karoline@seafoodinnovation.no. 




Bergen, Norway


Apr 19, 2022


10:00 - 13:00

At a glance


Executive Seafood Forum

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