Transparency from rawmaterial to customer
At a glance
Workshop transparency Join us for a light breakfast and discussion on trust and transparency related to food.
How do we communicate with our customers, how do we enable them to take informed decisions when buying their seafood – why should they choose your products?
Information, and transparency, about food is becoming ever more important – trust in food is weakening as sustainability and food fraud are becoming major issues.
We are so lucky to have two visitors from Iceland visiting us on coming Thurdsay, October 31st. Heida Kristin Helgadottir and Oliver Luckett have addressed this issue through their solution- TraceabiliT. As a team, Heida and Oliver are deeply dedicated to sustainability and food waste. They have a rock-solid background from political engagement, media, entrepreneurship and using digital tools. Heida from Icelandic media, politics, and various board member seats. Oliver as a Head of Innovation at Walt Disney, cofounder of Revver and CEO of the Audience.
For more info and registration:
Björgólfur Hávarðsson MSc
Innovation Manager
The Seafood Innovation Cluster
Cell + 47 92 21 27 27