The event was hosted in collaboration with The Marine Resources Unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission and the Norwegian EU delegation.
The aim of the event was to focus on the call for blue growth through producing sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all. We believe we have a lot to contribute to make the vision a reality. The issues we need to address requires a multi-stakeholder approach across regional boarders and scientific disciplines. There is a huge potential for aquaculture, which can provide important solutions to feed our growing planet and to cope with climate change.
“Sustainability and transparency in the new blue economy” is about understanding how to increase the resilience of our oceans to sustainable utilize our marine resources, build knowledge and education to secure talent development, and increase public awareness of aquaculture as a sustainable protein source. Aquaculture can increase the resilience of climate change, and the impacts of climate change on oceans food production.
Presentations from our keynote speakers can be downloaded here. Screenshot_2016-04-14-10-50-11 Screenshot_2016-04-14-10-50-33 Screenshot_2016-04-14-10-49-44 Screenshot_2016-04-14-10-51-51