Seafood Digital_positiv

Do your company need new and updated
compence within digitalization and digital transformation


The seafood industry crave for more competence within digitalization and digital transformation. 

Seafood Digital is a competence program developed to meet the needs of the industry when it comes to knowlegde development. 

About the program

Jon Iden, professor from NHH will be responsible for Seafood Digital leaderhip program. Jon Iden is a leading national expert in the field of digitalization and digital transformation. 


Module 1: Digitalization and digital technologies 

Modul 2: Digital platforms and ecosystems, digital innovation and digital transformation 

Modul 3: Digital maturity, digital privacy and digital working life 


Practical information

The first group of Seafood Digital is for the management team in seafood companies, and starts up in June. All meetings take place from 10:00-21:00. We will end each meeting with dinner and socialisation. 

Dates first group:
3. June 2024
18. June 2024
Week 34/35 2024


Each module will be invoiced in advance of the module. 

Program fee members: 37.500 NOK

Program fee non-members: 45.000 NOK

Registration is binding and applies to all modules. 

Travel to and from meeting location must be organized and covered by the induviduals. 

Contact us

For questions regarding the program, please contact program manager Rune Smistad at
