Organizational and governance changes
The new forum is an organizational approach to meet our members feedback and the new strategy, and comprises of top leaders from the shareholders and strategic partners from industry and academic institutions. To ensure partners influence, ownership and financial contribution, a key governance change is an invitation for strategic partners of the Cluster to subscribe for new shares in The Seafood Innovation Cluster. The Executive Seafood Forum was introduced by Chairman of the Board, Einar Wathne, followed by a presentation of organizational and governance changes by Erik Meyer-Lampe from Thommessen.
Addressing strategic topics
To ensure broader participation and strengthen the influence of the partners, the new forum will address and discuss strategic topics of relevance for further development of the Cluster. Examples of such topics can be adaption of new technologies, opportunities in digitalization, new seafood growth areas and the building of innovative ecosystem.
At the initial meeting, different players in the innovative ecosystem were invited to tell about their activities in accelerating start-ups and to participate in a discussion of how the Cluster can contribute in our new business area; entrepreneurship and commercialization. Participants in the panel were Anders Haugland (VIS), Anita Mannes (Connect Vest), Ingrid Kylstad (Katapult Ocean), Caspar Lund (Accel) and Jeremy McCrohan (HATCH). TheExecutiveForum_logo