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Bilde Artic Frontiers Arctic Frontiers Business – Cross cutting Ocean Technologies

The overarching theme of Arctic Frontiers Business 2016 is technologies for northern ocean space operations. There is a high potential for industrial development in the north. Many of the northern fish stocks show stable growth and new stocks are establishing in the Arctic. The region is well suited for fish farming and it holds vast petroleum and mineral resources. Future industrial development in this region will however rely on complex technologies to secure both cost-effective, safe and environmentally sound operations. Collaboration and learning across business sectors will be a key factor for all industries involved and Arctic Frontiers Business is designed to facilitate such cross-sector collaboration and knowledge/technology transfer. This is reflected in both keynote presentations, workshops and breakout sessions.

The dates for Arctic Frontiers Business 2016 are January 26 – 27. After lunch on day two of the conference we will divide into two breakout sessions. The breakout sessions will start with introductory talks followed by discussions structured by a moderator.

The breakout sessions are: I: BLUE Maritime (moderated by John G. Bernander) and II: Ocean Space Technologies (moderated by Liv Monica Stubholt).

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