Focus group meeting

At a glance
Three times a year, we gather experts and business leaders in focus groups for discussions around our 5 industrial areas of priority. The resource groups contribute with competence, advise and influence the Clusters focus and projects within each strategic area.
For the first meeting this year, we have chosen to change the format, which means that we start the day with inspiration and innovation, followed by a thematic session for each individual focus group’s work area. We will end the day with lunch.
The meeting will be held physically at Litteraturhuset in central Bergen.
*By invitation only*
See the members of each focus group here.
10.00-10.45: Joint session for all focus groups
- Welcome and introduction
- Inspirational posts
- Innovation stories from the industry
10.45-11.00: Break and mingling
11.00-12.00: Separate focus groups:
- Round the table – what is the most important issue/measure within the group’s theme for?
your business? - Presentation of action plan
- Discussion and input for the implementation of measures in the action plan, presentation of relevant projects, the group’s themes
12.00-13.00: Lunch
At a glance
Focus group meeting
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