One Ocean Conference

At a glance
How can we accelerate responsible transition for the ocean industries?
One Ocean Conference creates dialogue across the ocean industries to accelerate a responsible transition.
We welcome you to a day full of engaging topics and speakers from the Ocean cluster. Participants on stage and in our panels will include politicians, senior decision-makers in the industry, finance parties, research, international organisations and civil society.
Part I:
How can authorities, regulators, financial institutions and business accelerate a responsible ocean industry transition?
How to accelerate transition through innovation and cross-sectoral collaboration?
Part II:
How to transform shipping towards zero emissions?
A sustainable future for the ocean industries starts with green maritime operations. Removing emissions from shipping requires rapid green innovation and significant investments – starting now.
How to secure global renewable energy from the Ocean?
The world is in critical demand for more renewable energy. The ocean offers enormous potential for secure, clean and green energy and a carbon negative future.
How can sustainable seafood meet future protein demand?
With global population forecast to hit 9bn by 2030, we will need to produce at least 25% more food than today. Half of the habitable land is already used for agriculture. How can the ocean both alleviate pressure on land area and secure growing future protein demand?
Part III
Navigating the way forward – Summary & closing remarks
Full program here.