The EAT Foundation builds on the work of the EAT Initiative, created by the Stordalen Foundation and Stockholm Resilience Centre in 2013. Together with the Wellcome Trust they launched the EAT Foundation in Mars 2016 with the ambition to reform the global food system, enabling us to feed a growing global population with healthy food from a healthy planet. The three organisations will use their unique range of experience in health, science, policy and sustainability, to convene experts and decision makers who together can transform the way we eat.

EAT_topp The vision of EAT is a transformation of the global food system to sustainably feed a healthy population of nine billion people by mid-Century. NCE Seafood are proud to be a partner, and believes the seafood sector will be an important actor in contributing to reach this goal. To emphazise this important work from EAT Foundation, we want to invite to EAT-Fish, a side-event to Stockholm Food Forum.

With a growing world population, annual supply needed from the aquaculture sector must further surpass that from capture fisheries, reaching 62% in 2030, to maintain current consumption levels per capita. The contribution of aquaculture to food security and nutrition now and in the future is driven by many interactions between several environmental, development, policy and governance issues.

In this context, the recently adopted UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement are highly relevant for the aquaculture industry and opens up a number of exciting opportunities for the aquaculture industry on solutions to achieve these ambitious goals.

Join leading experts from science and industry for insights on the important role the aquaculture sector can play in addressing urgent social and economic challenges i.e human health, food security and climate.

Where: Clarion Hotel Amaranten, Stockholm
When: June 13th 2016
Time: 08:00 – 09:20


08:00 Breakfast

08:15 Welcome, Jon Hindar, CEO, Cermaq

Keystone Actors in Marine Ecosystems,
Henrik Ôsterblom, Deputy Science Director, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University

The importance of sustainable fish farming to ensure global food supply,
Jogeir Toppe, Fishery Officer, Products, Trade and Marketing Branch of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of FAO

Safe, healthy and sustainable seafood – The role in food- and nutrition security,
Livar Frøyland, Director of Research, Norwegian National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES)

The great sustainability accelerator – the role of the naked truth. Announcement of the GSI Sustainability Report 2016.
Mr. Avrim Lazar, Convenor of Global Salmon Initiative

09:20 Shuttlebus to Hotel Sign

10:00 EAT Stockholm Food Forum starts at Hotel Sign


Contact: Benedicte Skogen