Status collage Our main focus in 2017 is to increase entrepreneurial activity in the cluster and strengthen our partner’s knowledge and innovation capabilities. Read more in our Status Report.
A warm welcome to our two new partners Thommesen, Patogen and fifteen members.
Thanks to your support, we have launched several new entrepreneurships programs and a new co-working space for start-ups Ocean Industries Accelerator (sett inn hyperlink). Together with our research partners, numerous new international partnerships have been established, co-funded by Norwegian Research Council and The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU). Especially memorable was the graduation ceremony to our 28 Seafood Trainee’s. In September, we welcome our second group of Seafood Trainee’s.
Looking forward to see you at our 3rd Sustainable Growth Summit, 26-27th of October, Norwegian Seafood, scaling up action on sustainability.
All the best,
Tanja Hoel
Managing Director