IMG_2105 – Copy The interests of the Cluster towards the EU are consolidated through AquaMare project giving to the Norwegian players greater influence on relevant programs and calls and contribute to a higher success rate. Consequently, this will make Norwegian interests more relevant to the EU and vice versa.
AquaMare seeks to establish a broader participation in European forums and platforms such as Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) and Food2030, as well as a strategic focus on the new framework program "FP9". It was developed and establish an interdisciplinary collaboration that help aquaculture to be recognized and prioritized as an important measure for sustainable global food production. At the same time, the project ensure that Norwegian clusters are to a greater extent the point of contact for major European projects, professional secretariats and participation in the relevant EU forums.
National expert group from clusters, institutes and universities
AquaMare developed a joint European innovation initiative with our solid partners from research, industry and education for increased quality and hence increased participation. NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster worked to consolidate national interests by establishing a national expert group and establishing a strong European network through our allied forums that already exist in the EU. The consolidation of national interests by establishing a national expertise group is included into the achievements of AquaMare. The national expertise group includes participants from the NCE Aquaculture (Bodø), Nofima, NCE AquaTech Cluster (Trondheim), University of Tromsø, NCE Blue Legasea (Ålesund), Biotech North (Tromsø), SINTEF and NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster. AquaMare contribute to increasing the participation in programs and calls through the interdisciplinary expertise in the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture sector, including associated actors to lose EU challenges.
Working for the Norwegian interests in aquaculture and marine areas in the EU
The main goal of the project is to consolidate Norwegian interests, build European networks in areas where Norwegian and European cooperation gives added value, more weight and better international competitiveness for our partners and members.
Contact information: Solveig Holm, phone: +47 92058531