“It’s exciting to join the board of NCE Seafood Innovation because NCE has such an important role in developing collaborations to achieve the industry’s sustainability goals. The Norwegian aquaculture industry is world-leading in innovation, and I look forward to work and deliver value back to all partners and members and contribute to maintain Norway’s position as world-leading within aquaculture.”
–Siri Vike, Director Strategic Development, PHARMAQ Analytiq
Creating value together with partners in the industry
The board of NCE Seafood Innovation is an important driving force and governing body for cluster activities. On June 23, the general assembly elected Siri Vike as new board member and reelected Jan-Emil Johannessen as board member. The new board of directors in The Seafood Innovation Cluster AS consists of:
Einar Wathne,
Chairman of the board
Managing Director, Bioakva consult
Henning Beltestad
Board member
CEO, Lerøy Seafood Group
Andreas Kvame
Board member
CEO, Grieg Seafood Group
Siri Vike
Board member
Director Strategic Development, PHARMAQ Analytiq
Fredrik Witte
Board member
Managing Director, Cargill Aqua Nutrition North Sea
Jan-Emil Johannessen
Board member
Head of Benchmark Genetics