Land møter hav får fornyet tillit

Portrait Elise Sæle Dahle

Samarbeidsprosjektet Land møter hav har fått på plass finansiering for 2024. Det betyr at Elise Sæle Dahle fortsetter i stillingen som prosjektutvikler på tvers av de fire nasjonale klyngene NCE Seafood Innovation, NCE Heidner Biocluster, NCE Blue Legasea og Biotech North. 

Elise connects land and sea

Portrait Elise Sæle Dahle

Elise Sæle Dahle is split in four. The reason? She works as a Project developer for Land Meets Ocean, a crossover initiative which contributes to sustainable innovation and industry development.

Highlights from our Annual Meeting

With 60 registered participants, we hosted this year`s first annual meeting yesterday. It was obvious that our five new focus areas have affected the clusters work so far this year. Especially digitalization, circular economy and talent attraction have been included in many of our programs, projects and services. A bunch of our projects was presented, and here are some of the highlights.
