Say hi to our newest team member: Kristian Blom, General Manager at AquaCloud. We asked him a few questions to get to know him better!

Who is Kristian Blom?

I am a young man at 41 years. I am married with three kids and a dog. I grew up along the coast at Blom in Øygarden, and growing up my life has been strongly influenced by fishery and fish farming, both culturally and through family. I have a lot of experience from various roles in software development and data analysis, and I am very motivated by working in technology, data and business.

What will be your role in the NCE Seafood Innovation team?

I hope and believe I approach my tasks analytically, creatively and with implementation power. In addition, I am a social person who appreciates being part of a team, and I really like to contribute to a cheerful and positive atmosphere!

What are you most looking forward to in your new position as General Manager in AquaCloud?

AquaCloud has undergone a very important phase with the construction of infrastructure and basic data set, as well as the design of a collaboration platform for project participants. The foundation is largely in place and in the future, I think it will be important that we are able to realize some of the great potential that lies in the project. To me, this means very specific data sets, analyzes and services that are relevant and important for farmers, researchers, suppliers and innovators. In addition, I see that AquaCloud and NCE Seafood Innovation’s role in participating in standardization work is central to us succeeding in creating change with data in the future.
AquaCloud has a unique opportunity to fulfill a role that is necessary for the industry’s goals around production improvements, fish health and welfare as well as sustainability, so being central in such a project is a dream for a “data nerd” like me

Describe yourself in three words? 

I love coffee.

If you had one more hour in each day, what would you do?

I belive that one of the most important things we got from a long period of extreme shut-down during the pandemic, was a lower daily heart rate and more time with family. I think that is something worth investing an extra hour in.


We are very excited to have you on the team Kristian!