849 elever har fått bedre kjennskap til næringen

De siste ukene har elever fra 11 videregående skoler presentert sine løsninger på sjømatnæringens utfordringer. Med innovative og kreative ideer har de imponert både arrangørene, skolene og ikke minst, næringen.

Start-ups working with climate

Start-up companies play an important role in the seafood innovation ecosystem, and one of the services we have for them are the “Upcoming Seafood Startups”. In our latest meeting we focused on companies that deliver solutions within climate, environment and circular economy.

Elever løser sjømatnæringens problemer

I løpet av de neste ukene skal 900 vgs-elever langs kysten av Norge – fra Trøndelag til Rogaland – få bryne seg på reelle problemstillinger som sjømatnæringen står overfor. Torsdag forrige uke var det kick-off på Nordahl Grieg i Bergen.

Two megatrends in focus

It is a difficult task to predict which knowledge the seafood industry requires in the future, but two megatrends will likely have (and already have had) a big impact. How does technological development and the focus on sustainability affect which competence the industry needs?

From pharmacy to competency

She is educated as a pharmacist, but the last seven years Fride Iversen has worked with research and innovation in the seafood industry. However, since May, she has been in charge for something completely different. Now she is responsible for competence and talent attraction at our cluster. How did that happen?

Syv år med Seafood Trainee

Nå som kompetanseprogrammet Seafood Trainee snart ruller i gang med det syvende kullet er det på tide å ta en titt på statistikken så langt. Hvilken type kompetanse har programmet fanget opp, og hvor mange har fortsatt i bransjen etter trainee-perioden?

The whole RAS library is out now

In 2020 we started a project where the goal was to post the complete video training materials within recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS). We are happy to announce that the 50 planned videos about the subject are published at Seapoint.

Focusing on future competence and talent attraction

Fride is one of our newest team members and will be responsible for the clusters work within future knowledge and talent attraction. She has only been with us since May, but we are already getting used to her positive and happy presence. Get to know her better!
