Working together for sustainability and innovation

Together with our members and partners we want to impact the industry to drive forward digital transformation and to improve fish welfare.
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA

Climate, environment, and circular economy

Digital transformation and digitalization

Fish health and welfare

Future feed ingredients

Future competence and talent attraction

Competence program
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Competence program
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Competence program
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Our projects

We develop projects for cost-effective and sustainable production of seafood.

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Our services

We provide a range of services and activities for our members within our core areas: knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Our meeting arenas

Partners, seafood experts and business leaders meet for inspiration, industry update and knowledge sharing.

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Latest news

NCE Seafood Innovation lansert ny karriereportal for Seafood Trainee!

Gjør det enklere enn før for bedriftene å finne de rette nyutdannede talentene!

Engasjement på Partner og medlemsmøte den 5. desember 💙

Den 5. desember inviterte vi i NCE Seafood Innovation våre partnere og medlemmer til årets Partner- og Medlemsmøte på Lanternen, Marineholmen. Ettermiddagen ble en arena for refleksjon, inspirasjon og samarbeid sammen.

AquaCloud tar viktige steg mot bedre fiskevelferd gjennom datadeling

Med støtte fra ledende aktører som Lerøy Seafood Group, Grieg Seafood og Salmar, samt et grønt vekstlån fra Innovasjon Norge, er AquaCloud klare for å ta neste steg i utviklingen av datadeling for havbruksnæringen.

Kan restprodukter fra kylling bli laksemat? Svaret kan ligge i nytt 18 millioners forskningsprosjekt. 

Nå skal forskerne få innsikt i barrierer som hindrer bruk av restprodukter fra kylling i fôr til laks. Foto: Helge Skodvin © Nofima.

Upcoming events

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Who we are

A collective effort

Our member companies and partners represent the entire value chain of the seafood industry.
Who we are

A collective effort

Our member companies and partners represent the entire value chain of the seafood industry.
Join us

Make an impact

Contribute to innovative and sustainable solutions and enable the growth of our industry.
